First Week!

Because we started on Tuesday, today (the fifth day of school) was the end of the first week for Specials. I’ve seen every kid in the school once. Or pretty much all of them – a kid was added today, I heard. The last number I saw was 523 students at Carmel Elementary, but that was several days ago and anything can happen!

That’s somewhere around 523 login cards that I made for the kids. In the past, the teachers kindly made the cards, but this year I volunteered to make them. One less thing for teachers to worry about, and because I made them all without using a drop of imagination, they are amazingly, boringly, consistent, which I like in a login card. I did use the bigger size of index cards for the kindergartners, because they’re the ones who will use the cards the longest, and they’re easier to grab out of the drawer that way.

I even made them for the fifth grade, because I’m starting a typing thing tomorrow. The teachers and I want the kids to have typing practice – typing’s no longer taught in school, and those of us who had typing class (or keyboarding), back in the day, are a little concerned. It’s possible that as a society we’re placing a little too much stock in the fact that the kids like to play on computers so much, and we trust that they have greater skills than they do. I’ve had fourth graders ask me how to move the cursor from one line to the next, in Word. (Answer: Hit the return button. Response: Ohhhh!) So my thinking is that we’ll start with one of the typing programs that we link to on our fourth-grade weblinks page, have the kids do a typing test and write down their numbers on their login card (see, it all makes sense now!), and then have 5 minutes of practice.

Last week every day went at the speed of light, but today things were a little slower. I breathed a couple of times, took a couple sips of my water. . . . NWEA testing is going on, so I’ve been kicked out of my computer lab for the two- week duration. I’m in the temporary computer lab – an unused classroom in which the efficient and effective Ms. Barney has set up laptops for me. We ran into a couple of issues – one keyboard wouldn’t type the letter A, one wouldn’t type 0 (the zero). Why? Who knows. Wouldn’t have been an issue since we weren’t really typing much today, but you can’t log in when your name has an A in it, or your password a 0…. Plus, not a sadist, to make kids take typing tests with non-functioning A and 0 keys!

Today a first grader asked me if we were going to play Pokemon. “Umm, no,” I said. “WHY would we play Pokemon?”

“Because I want to!” he said, looking at me with his big disingenuous eyes.

Umm, no. Lots of other fun stuff though I PROMISE.

Best. Job. Ever. But I am so so tired.

Days One and Two

Fourth day of waking up at 4:30. I decided to just wake up, and do something – maybe tonight I’ll be so exhausted I’ll sleep through the night. Must be nerves, but so far the week is going well!

Because I’m a Specials teacher, I have five first days. I see everyone in the school for fifty minutes a week, class after class after class. I’ll be done on Monday with my Five First Days, and then I’ll see the second wave.

It’s odd doing the First Day stuff for those reasons – I do it over and over again until by Monday I won’t remember whether I’ve told them already about the Word Wall and the Digital Citizenship posters, or if that was two classes ago. Also, I was here last year in the Computer Lab, and our population is pretty stable, so most of these kids know me in this role.

I struggled with how to do the First Day stuff because of that. There seems little point to doing an introduction of myself and who I am, since they mostly know me. I worry about becoming stale, since I’m certainly becoming repetitive.

In addition to doing Five First Days, I’m also doing basically the same lesson across the grade levels – at least for grades 2-5. I’m doing a portion of the same lesson for the 1st graders. The kindergarteners are getting mouse practice, in preparation for NWEA testing, which starts this coming Monday.

The lesson outline is:

A. Greetings & who I am (A couple of classes I’ve forgotten to say, “I’m Mrs. Finney,” but luckily usually a kid says my name during the class. I do feel afterwards like, really? I forgot to SAY MY NAME? How basic is that???)

B. Expectations – I’m doing this as a question and answer session this year, in which I say, “You guys are 3rd graders (or 4th graders, or whatever), so I bet you know the expectations teachers have in class. What’s one expectation you think I have?”

C. Tools – I brought some tools from home, and I say, “When I think about a computer, I think about this,” and I pull a mallet or a level out of a canvas bag. It just occurs to me, I should bring in one of Dan’s toolboxes and pull tools out of that! Shoot! Why didn’t that occur to me before? Anyway, I pull out five tools and the kids name them, and then I prompt them to figure out why I think of these tools when I think of a computer and sometimes they come up with creative ideas, and then someone gets to “Because the computer is a tool.” I talk about yes, can do a lot, but beware of misusing, just like misusing a mallet, etc.

D. What we’re doing this year – computer hardware, computer jobs, digital citizenship stuff, coding.

E. Eye tour of the room – I have an “I Am a Leader” wall, with the leadership posters on it; I have R2D2, C3PO, and BB8 defining banks of computers; I have the Word Wall (which I actually put words on yesterday!) and some Star Wars digital citizenship posters that I downloaded – I think I talked about those before on the blog. I talk a little bit about all of those things.

F. Everyone goes to their computer. I’ve usually put out the login cards – finished making those yesterday! Hallelujah! – in alphabetical order. They log in. People have difficulty, and I run around and help them out.

G. We talk about icons (one of the Word Wall words), and productivity apps (another Word Wall word) and browsers (ditto, Word Wall). We open Firefox. It goes first to the Carmel Clay schools website, so I challenge them to find how to get to Carmel Elementary. This is something they remember from last year, usually. I have a kid go up to my desk to make my computer do it – my screen is projected on a big screen so they can see it. We find teacher websites – we’re moving to Canvas, so not everyone has a website right now. We find their grade level websites. We click the x in the corner to shut Firefox.

H. I say, “One of the things I like best about computers is that there are usually lots of ways to do something. Here’s another way to get to Firefox.” So we open the Websites folder, which I think I opened once last year and didn’t even know existed until halfway through the year. Theirs looks different than mine does, because theirs opens as a List view, and mine has icons (and I get to say the word again!) (and point to the Word Wall!), so I show them how to change the way it looks. There are extra large icons as choice, so that’s pretty popular, and hilarity ensues when someone picks that. Then we click on Mel the Tiger, and he opens up Firefox WITH THE CARMEL ELEMENTARY HOMEPAGE, which feels like a small victory, frankly. And then I give them free time.

So here’s one of my favorite moments: A kid in one of the classes said to me, “Mrs. Finney, you could click on Mel and drag him down to the bottom bar on your screen and then he’d be there all the time,” and I said, “WOW, that did not even occur to me, great job!” WAY TO GO! I love that, when the kids figure out something that I didn’t know – one, because I’m learning that way, and two, because how great is that, to figure something out that your teacher didn’t know? Wouldn’t that give you a sense of accomplishment?

I want this to be something we figure out together. I know a bunch of things, but I clearly don’t know everything about computers, and at first that really bothered me, but now I’m thinking, Boy, that’s a strength! It means the students and I have to be in this together. I don’t think I was always able to create that feeling last year, but every once in a while, we learned together. Hoping for that a little more this year. That’s why I have kids go up and show how to do things on my screen, to give them a little bit of empowerment, and to encourage a sense that they know how to do things on computers, that we’re teaching and learning together.

Because really, what I’m teaching them how to use now may not be there in five years. The important skill is how to figure out stuff, and not to be afraid. I have to be really supportive of mistakes – “Wow, that’s an interesting screen you’ve gotten to!” – and really encouraging for them to try different buttons and see what happens.

Today: Third First Day. Hope it goes well! And I haven’t shot myself in the foot by getting up at 4:30!

At least there’s chocolate at school. That should get me through the afternoon.

It’s About to Get Real!


Ok, today was the teacher workday and the ice cream social for Carmel Elementary School (and, apparently, every other elementary school in the district – I mean, everyone had a workday, but ice cream socials were also apparently rampant).

Tomorrow… the students come FOR REAL.

I am both excited and nervous. I kept asking kids tonight, “Are you excited about tomorrow?” and they would hang their heads and say quietly, “Well, excited and kinda nervous.” “ME TOO,” I would say.

I am not really ready. I have not scripted what I am going to say. I have told five different people eight different things that I am doing tomorrow for my classes, and I have written down none of them, so the odds are very good I’ll get halfway through the day and think, “Well, shoot.”

I was less prepared last year, but I don’t remember being this nervous. I must have been, though, because let’s face it, I can get nervous about going to the ice cream shop, if there are too many variables involved.

Tomorrow is class, class, class, class, class, prep.

Oh, I was so happy to see the kids today, though. And plenty of them liked my room. And the computer worked AND the projector – I mean, what are the odds?

Good luck to anyone else starting this week! May the odds be always in our favor.

Can You Detect a Theme?

Worked about fifteen hours in the computer lab this week, laminating and putting things on the walls. Laminating – now I feel like a Real Teacher!

computer lab cabinets

I want to emphasize the skills and responsibilities of being a digital citizen this year, so I put the letters up and Lesley Karpiuk has made some cool Star Wars digital citizenship posters! It’s like she read my mind! (She’s also made Pokemon Go posters ’cause she’s on trend like that.) You can download the posters if you go to:

Thank you, Lesley!

computer lab leadership wall

Our school is working to incorporate the leadership skills of the seven habits, and I knew I needed to put the leadership posters up but couldn’t quite figure out how to tie them to the theme running through my room (have you guessed it yet?). Then I remembered Luke saying proudly, “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” So I put “I am a leader” and am going to add the “…” that, in my head, will TOTALLY tie this together with my theme. It’s possible that not all children will make the connection. It’s possible not adults will… But I think some kids will get it. And it makes me happy, which frankly is not a bad reason to put something up on the wall. You spend a lot of time in your classroom, and you want to have something that gives you a quiet chuckle – Mrs. Finney’s Laws of Classroom Decoration!

computer lab whiteboard

I love this picture that Miranda drew for me. The girls and I have shot two videos this summer, which I’m hoping to show the little kids this year. One is about the parts of a computer, and one is about how to log in. We decided that the video series would be called “Curious about Computers.” It only occurred to me last night that if she drew the text and computer on white board (foam core?), I could keep it and use it, rather than having to import her to my classroom each time.

I bought a Star Wars kit of pictures at United Art and Education, and those halfsie-droids were in it. I super love them peeking from behind my dry erase board.

OH, and I had a small flag lying sideways which made me sad – Mr. Ernest, the always-awesome, always-super-kind custodian, found me a Real Flag and a Real Flag holder. I don’t have kids in my class until 8:40 usually, but still, sometimes people are there during announcements and I feel like a Real Teacher with a Real Flag. I mean, I say the Pledge of Allegiance to it every morning!

(Marissa is, of course, charging her iPod touch – so that’s why she’s sitting on the floor.)

computer lab desk area

Speaking of things that make you happy… I downloaded this “No Grit No Pearl” poster last year and printed it out. I have one at home and one at school, and there are times I look at it and it gets me through the next five minutes. If you can get through the bad five minutes, you can usually get through the next hour. And in my job, then you get the next class.

technology rocks. seriously

Thank you, Shannon, for this poster!

I decided my mantra this school year would be “Choose Joy.” It’s going to be a tough year – I finish up my classes for the Transition to Teaching program; I student-teach in the spring; one kid is starting sixth grade and has transition worries, and the other is starting eighth grade and getting ready for high school in the spring. Choose Joy is going to help.

I was blessed with an optimistic mother, and I was trained from birth to find the silver lining in EVERYTHING. Once my basement flooded right before my big 40th birthday party, and my niece and nephew offered to bail out the water so I could get a quick shower before the party. I said later how grateful I was, and how lucky I was that the roto-rooter guy was able to come fix the clogged pipe about an hour into the party, and how it really could have been much, much worse, and my dad said, “Well, the only way we could have been luckier was if the pipe had burst and we could have had a fountain shooting up to the sky from the basement!” But my momma’s training held good.

I really kind of love the Try poster, which is new this year. The lab is such a great place to work with kids on their grit, because computers glitch, or you glitch, and can’t figure out the next step. You have to just try, try, try stuff.

computer lab door

This is perhaps a little boring. But the Chewbacca pic is a little tiny joke to me. Wondering if the kids will see it right away.

computer lab printer area

The shelf which holds my Star Wars collection. I have a new BIG BB8 this year. I was going to make a paper-mache one this summer, but the best laid plans. Maybe over Christmas.

Google Educator, Leader in Me, and C4 Conference: Being a Techie

Whew! What a week! I’ve spent a lot of it hunkered down at the computer trying to become a Google Educator, Level 1. Monday, I went to a Leader in Me meeting? conference? at my school, which was great – three hours and we discussed what to do next in Year 2 of our Leader in Me culture. Great to see everyone, met the new teachers, and managed to get in a couple of plugs for what the computer lab could do for everyone.

Yesterday, worked on Google Educator modules, interspersed with cleaning – I can’t do too many of the modules in a row or my eyes cross. I have one. more. module. left. And then the test. Crossed fingers – hoping to finish it this week.

Today, C4! E green screenHoneycutt school

The first picture is a bummer – it had a REALLY cool Van Gogh background that apparently doesn’t show here – but don’t I look excited and happy to be at C4? ‘Cause I was!

The second is a slide from our speaker, Kevin Honeycutt. He was AMAZING. Totally a Robin Williams character, with a lot of energy and humor but deep feelings underneath – and not all that far underneath. He got choked up a couple of times, talking about his family, and I got choked up, and I just felt lucky to be there in that place.

Kevin Honeycutt

This is his website if you want to go take a look:

So the slide refers to a project his son started – he had to do a project to graduate from high school, and he asked his dad if he knew of any schools who needed anything, and his dad said that there was this teacher in Nepal who was teaching in a place without any government services and they had 20 books in the library. So his son organized to help this man, and they figured out how to get him the money to go buy two laptops, and then the school was torn down and … well, it’s not my story to tell, but his son worked out how to help on a BIG SCALE and just so inspiring a story. There’s a link on Kevin’s webpage, and the site is on the pic above.

This is one of his talks – you should DEFINITELY click on this to hear it (yes, there’s an ad, sorry).

The Angels of My Education

C4 was amazing overall. I went to five different sessions, plus keynote and EdCamp. The first was Your First Graders Do WHAT?!?! – Technology for Your Little Learners. The woman who presented is a first grade teacher at Smoky Row Elementary, Kristen Cannady, and she has got her kids reading QR codes to find out what to do in stations, tweeting for her (she is the only one who can push “Post” – also, no kids’ names are used), and creating their digital portfolios with SeeSaw. She also regularly sends videos home for the kids to watch as their homework. It’s just very impressive what those kids can do.

Second was Computer Coding Clubs, presented by Hanna Rumschlag, who’s the media specialist at Mohawk Trails Elementary – she has been doing a club for two years, and I want to start one this year. She’s very thorough so that was super helpful.

Third was the presentation about the technology plan at Carmel Clay Schools, which is super-exciting for this coming year. I don’t think I’m allowed to say anything about it yet, but it’s going to be fun.

Fourth was Helping Kids Help Themselves, PACKED with apps for literacy and for math. The always-awesome Tracy Hastings presented those, along with Betsy Howard. So. Many. I’ve taken notes but need to go through them and see how they actually work. Not sure how many we can use in the computer lab, but helpful for the future when I have a classroom and, God willing, more devices.

The last session was the Going Deeper with Trends, Tools, and Tactics for 21st Century Learning, which was led by Kevin Honeycutt, and it was great. He talked about his website and options and had several stories about his being able to really push to the limits his programs in order to keep his kids engaged and learning.

Then EdCamps, during which we talked about Canvas and our concerns about devices.

The whole thing was just helpful and inspirational and all of the good things. We even got lunch, and that always counts for a lot for teachers, you know? And door prizes – I won an iTunes gift card! I am so lucky I got to go.

This post is too long already, but a couple of quotes from Kevin’s speech:

“We’re dying of humble.” (gotta tweet/blog more about awesome stories)

We need to be “tradigital” teachers (see what he did there?).

“A good teacher is like a good quarterback – he throws the ball where the receiver isn’t yet.”

Oh, and “Teaching is non-invasive brain surgery.” !!!

Indiana Wesleyan University Trip

Wildcat Pride

Travelled to the actual. physical. location of Indiana Wesleyan University yesterday. They’re in Marion, IN, and although I’ve been a student for a year, I haven’t actually been on the campus. All of the Transition to Teaching program is online, which is so convenient, but a part of me didn’t really believe that this was a school, unless there were buildings. And a library.

Girls Globe library

Whew. Library at last. The black ball is a globe, by the way, not the Death Star, as one friend thought. That would have been funny, true, but inappropriate outside a library.

We walked around the Student Center. I was bitterly disappointed that they didn’t have the bookstore part open (“They’re only open for part of the year, anyway,” said the nice lady in the store. ??? Why??? I don’t know.). The bookstore was upstairs, so they blocked your entry by closing off the stairs. But you could buy t-shirts, and shirts, and stuffed animals with IWU t-shirts on, and notebooks that said Indiana Wesleyan University. And of course, pins and patches. I bought a pin for my dad, who collects pins, and will be amused to have one from IWU.

We went to the bookstore t-shirt store, which was in the Student Center, and the library, and walked around a little bit. EXTREMELY large building that called itself the Chapel Auditorium, which I would have liked to have seen the inside of, and an extremely small chapel which I thought was lovely. Didn’t try to go inside, though. t thought about trying to find the Education building, but by the time we got started on this jaunt, it was late, so we were going to get home at dinnertime. Bah. Maybe another trip is called for, when the bookstore part is open!

IWU chapel

Learning to Teach

I’m in the Transition to Teaching program at Indiana Wesleyan, and just JUST finished my first year.

I. Loved. It.

I love the intellectual challenge of it, I love the opportunity to see “behind the scenes” of practices I’ve watched teachers perform in my school, I love the chance to talk about teaching with people who are just about as interested as I am… although I’m the teeniest bit obsessive.

Seriously, everything I read, hear about, watch, or discuss with family and friends is filtered through an education filter. How would I teach that? Could I use that in a classroom? Ooh, that gives me an idea. . .

It was a tough year, and we ate many terrible dinners, I’m not going to lie. But it has been a great experience to have and I’m so grateful that I had the chance to learn. What a gift, at 47 years old, to go back to school!

The classes I’ve taken so far:

Intro to 21st Century Education for Elementary Teachers

Culturally Responsible Teaching

Assessment and Learning in the Elementary Classroom

Reading and Language Arts Instruction in the Elementary Classroom

Three more to go:

Diag Reading and Language Arts in the Elementary Classroom

Methods of Teaching the Elementary School Curriculum

Research-Based Behavioral Intervention and Elementary Classrooms

And then in March of 2017, I begin Student Teaching.