So this happened…
One of my goals this summer was to get this certification. I’m not sure how I first heard of it – maybe from Kate Masterson, who’s one of the big deal tech people for our school district. She’s done Level 1, Level 2, ANDÂ the Trainer’s certification, but that is beyond my scope right now. I’m happy to have Level 1.
It’s a useful process – going through the study modules for it is a handy introduction to Google’s products that are aimed at educators. The test costs $10 to take, and they give you three hours – I used every minute of those three hours, and finished the test with, I kid you not, seven seconds to spare. But I did finish!
Feels like an accomplishment! I hope it will help me this coming year, when teachers ask questions about things. I have to say, the functionality of Google’s productivity apps is very, very cool. I’m not sure how many of them I can work in this year. I’d love to do some Google Classrooms but will have to check with the teachers to see what they think. We need to use less paper in our school, so there might be additional interest in Google docs.
We went to the pool to celebrate, and now going out to do some Pokemon Go. I feel like I should get a “geek” tattoo or something…